Thank you for your interest in our On-Demand Webinars. Upon successful registration, you will receive a link to view the webinar after your law enforcement credentials have been identified. This process takes less then one (1) hour. It is strongly recommended that you register using a department issued email address. If a personal email address is used, additional verification will be needed which may delay the link being provided.
The webinar link will be valid for fourteen (14) days. At the conclusion of the webinar, a certificate of completion will be emailed to you upon certification that the webinar was completed. Certificates will only be provided to those attendees who pre-register and pay for the webinar. Please note that State Training Hour Accreditations for On-Demand Webinars vary from state to state. PLET Live-Webinars have been approved for State credit in various states; however at this time, PLET On-Demand Webinars have not been submitted to any state for accreditation purposes.