Webinar Patrol Officer Drug Investigations

Patrol Officer Drug Investigations
Course information:

Search and seizure case law as it relates to drug investigations continuously changes. Officers will be presented with the most up to-date court rulings impacting narcotic investigations. Consent searches are the backbone of many interdiction units. Learning how to legally obtain consent can help provide solid evidence of guilt if narcotics are discovered based on the consent. Various tips and techniques will be presented during this block of instruction.

Concealment methods used by drug dealers are becoming extremely complex. Information will be presented to identify hidden compartments and common places drug dealers attempt to conceal contraband.
Course Instructor: Jon Britton

Sergeant Plano Police Department

Jon Britton began his law enforcement career with the Shelby/Panola County Adult Probation and District Attorney's Drug Task Force in 1991. 

For the past 24 years, Sgt. Britton has worked with the Plano, Texas Police Department, completing various assignments that included patrol officer, narcotics detective, K-9 supervisor, field training officer, Criminal Investigations Division Property Crimes supervisor, Crime Prevention and Recruiting Supervisor.
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