Webinar Drug Unit Supervisor

Drug Unit Supervisor
Course information:

This course is designed for supervisors who are tasked with supervision or planning undercover operations. The course is designed to motivate and empower the student supervisor to effectively and safely supervise undercover operations and to be cognizant of the skills, tactics, and dangers associated with conducting such undercover narcotic operations. This course will also address methods of minimizing risks and focuses on tactical operation planning, field team deployment, undercover officer deployment, confidential informants, crisis management, documentation, officer safety, integrity, cover surveillance, case management, drug recognition, common methods of drug packaging, and risk assessment.
Course Instructor: Thomas Ferguson 

Thomas Ferguson Indiana State Police (Retired)

Thomas R. Ferguson served 31 years with the Indiana State Police and has over 24 years of experience in narcotics investigations. Upon graduating from the Indiana State Police Academy, he spent five years working road patrol in Hamilton County, Indiana. While working in uniform, he was chosen to be a counselor for the Indiana State Police 41st Recruit Academy/50th Anniversary Class.  
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