Domestic terrorism has claimed the lives of hundreds of innocent people over the past several years. Unfortunately, the acts continue to be carried out across the United States. Participants in this course will learn about domestic terrorist groups and how to recognize indicators relating to domestic terrorism.
There has been a tremendous increase in narco-terrorism activities involving Transnational Criminal Organizations. These relationships will be explained, and investigative techniques will be discussed to assist in dismantling these organizations operating in communities across the United States.
Course Instructor:Howard Oberst
Supervisory Agent Drug Enforcement Administration (Retired)
Howard Oberst
is a retired DEA Special Agent with over 30 years of combined local and federal law enforcement experience. During his 22 years with the DEA, Howard served 15 years as a street agent in the Indianapolis, Indiana district office. While assigned to the IDO, he was involved in and initiated numerous complex drug conspiracy investigations that required extensive domestic and foreign travel to reach the source of supply.