Webinar Detecting Deception in Criminal Investigations

Detecting Deception in Criminal Investigations 
Course information:

Officers will recognize the importance of developing baseline behavior when conducting interviews. If the officer doesn’t know how the person behaves or responds when telling the truth, it will be difficult to detect deception. Detail information will be presented on proper ways to establish baseline behavior.

Officers will also learn how to identify deception in written statements based on the individuals lack of self-reference, use of verb tense, and their use of equivocation.

Officers will learn how to recognize and understand various verbal and non-verbal cues of deception reliably. The instructor will illustrate various verbal and non-verbal indicators of deception using video-recorded interviews of actual witnesses and suspects. Practical scenarios will also be used to reinforce the lecture.
Course Instructor: Anita Seamans

Anita Seamans, Detective Live Oak Police Department (Retired) Active Reserve Investigator

Anita Seamans, Ph.D., recently retired as the director of the Southwest Regional Law Enforcement Academy, located in Southwest Colorado. Anita began her career with the Live Oak Police Department. She worked for the police department for 31 years and was a member of the criminal investigation’s unit for 20 years. 

Anita has investigated a wide range of criminal cases, including capital murder, sexual assault, robbery, negligent homicide, child abuse, credit card fraud, drug offenses, burglary, and theft. Anita has prosecuted persons in both state and federal courts.
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