Dave Parker
was hired by the Chicago Police Department in November 1993. After completion of the Chicago police academy, he was assigned to the Bureau of Patrol where he worked his first 10 years as a patrol officer. In his time in patrol Dave worked a variety of assignments. Dave worked as a beat officer assigned to patrolling communities in Chicago and worked as a rapid response car responding to shootings, robberies and burglaries along with any in progress crimes. Dave also worked plain clothes robbery missions while in patrol.
In 2004, Dave was assigned to Gang Crimes where he specialized in Chicago gangs and provided information to the Gang Intelligence section to help build a data base of gang activities. Dave also was assigned to assist the Detective Division in investigations, interviewing witnesses and investigating leads provided by citizens.
In 2006, Dave was assigned to the Narcotics Division of the Bureau of Organized Crime. In this capacity Dave began a 16 year assignment working as an undercover narcotics officer. During this time Dave worked buying narcotics throughout the city of Chicago. Dave has made hundreds of undercover purchases of narcotics and been involved in hundreds more as the surveillance officer and case officer leading to numerous prosecutions of violent street gangs and their members.
Dave worked at various levels of undercover work including street level narcotics purchases, Criminal Drug Conspiracy cases and multiple federal drug cases. Dave worked as the undercover officer for the FBI Gang Crimes Task Force purchasing methamphetamine that was being trafficked from Mexico to Chicago. This case culminated in a Federal Title III telephone intercept against and prosecution of a violent Chicago street gang.
Dave’s career culminated in his attachment to the DEA HITDA 49 team (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area) where Dave wrote and was the case agent for the federal Title III telephone intercept which spanned drug trafficking organizations moving narcotics from Mexico to Chicago. For this case Dave along with his team was given the Chicago Crime Commission Stars of Distinction Award.
Dave served honorably in the Illinois Air National Guard for 5 years.